Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough

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In Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening players assume the role of a Grey Warden Commander entrusted with rebuilding the order of Grey Wardens and uncovering the mystery of how the darkspawn survive after the slaying of the Archdemon. In this chapter of the epic RPG saga, players make difficult moral choices about how to rebuild their order, resolve the conflict with the mysterious “Architect,” and determine the fate of the darkspawn. Each choice impacts the shape of each player’s heroic journey. Players will be able to import their character from Dragon Age: Origins or start out as a new Grey Warden from the neighboring land of Orlais.

Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 3: Meeting the Comic Relief With Alistair gone, I suppose we need a new comic relief. Enter Anders, the apostate mage. So far doesn’t seem too bad at all. And now with some real healing and firepower behind us, these dark spawn won’t know what hit them! Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 4: Welcome Back Thunder Humper! Oghren returns to us ready to kick in some dark spawns. He is basically looking for what every dwarf is good friends, good drinks, good fights, and good times.

While maybe a bit gruff, he certainly is a welcomed sight. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 5: It Talks?! We meet our first dark spawn that talks. What can this mean for our group? What can this mean for what we know about the dark spawn.


This really is very troubling. If dark spawn become more than just savages, we could have an incredible problem. The good news is they bleed just like any other. 🙂 Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 6: The Return of King Alistair Although coming a little late to the party, Alistair returned to greet us at Vigil’s Hold.

Dragon Age Origins Gift Guide

Sadly, he will not be able to join us on this quest to purge all of the dark spawn and investigate further what happened. In his place though, we are bolstering the ranks of the Gray Wardens. The joining is a bittersweet ritual though. May the Maker watch over your soul. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 7: Regrouping for our Mission The game begins here. We have some tasks laid out in front of us to complete.

We stock up on supplies (AKA selling junk we don’t need), enchant some gear (I miss Sandal already), and prepare to set out on our journey. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 8: Another Howe We come across the son of that traitorous Howe from Origins.

There’s something about him though that I sense can be trusted. A sense of honor? A sense of dedication? Perhaps I can just put myself in his shoes and see that he has done truly no wrong. One generation should not be punished for the mistakes of the past. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 9: I Don’t Belong Here You become a politician?

Mingling with nobles drinking expensive wineslistening to endless complaining. This is not where the mighty berserking elf belongs. I must be on the front lines! I must be out there going after dark spawn. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 10: This is Where I Belong!

Back into the heat of battle folks! Apparently the Dark Spawn came up through a tunnel. That’s why the Hold was taken so easily.

Damned Dark Spawn! Well, I know of one way to remove this threatremove them from the tunnels! This is SO much better than mingling. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 11: Preparing to Embark! We make the final preparations we need to embark upon our quest. It’s time we cleanse this world of dark spawn.

It is time we search out what evil’s plague the Gray Warden lands. It is now time to begin our adventure! Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 12: Bringing Justice to the Lands These are now the Gray Warden lands, and a few things must change. We begin by rescuing the nobles daughter from a group of bandits. It is rather funny that this scrawny group of bandits feels they can compete with the slayer of an arch demon! We continue our investigation by clearing out a farm of all the dark spawn. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 13: To the City!

It looks like we’ve cleaned up what we can on the outskirts, and it is now time to make our way into the city here. I’m sure we shall find all kinds of problems to solve and quests to complete. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 14: Exploring the Town We begin our investigation around town trying to figure out exactly what’s going on around here. We pick up our quests, look for justice to deliver, and prepare to bring some sanity back to this corruption. This city is now under Gray Warden protection. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 15: Time to Hunt!

Let’s purge this town of those who would cause it harm. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 16: Tracking Down Smugglers Another side-quest tracking down smugglers.

Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 17: Uprooting the Smuggler’s Den It’s time to clean this place out and redistribute the goods to those who need it. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 18: Entering the Wending Wood It is time we continue our quest and hit up the Wending Wood. We have a number of things to attend to here, and it looks like a pretty good place to cause some trouble and kill some dark spawn. Time to purge these woods. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 19: The One Responsible We encounter the one responsible for all the trade issues, and it’s a bit of a surprise Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 20: Unraveling The Mystery Not good folks, not good at all.

The Dark Spawn are using deception and tactics. Something or someone is pulling the strings of these things. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 21: Tracking Her Down! We must find this Dalish Elf! She has been attacking these innocent people based on a ruse set up byDark Spawn! She’s now openly attacking us. I need to talk some sense into her.

I need to show her the ruse for what it is! Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 22: The Ancients of Wending Wood We encounter two ancient spirits of the Wending Wood.

A brother of war and a brother of peace. We must put these souls to rest. After countless years of being trapped, let them rest. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 23: Finishing the Exploration The Wending Woods has now been completely explored. It is time to finish tracking down that Dalish Elf and figure this out. We need to set everything right around here. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 24: Into the Mines We break our way into the mines hoping to root out the dark spawn threat here and save the sister of our new companion.

After we work our way in, we are abducted Could this be the face of the one behind all this? I’m not even sure what the hell this thing is, but it certainly is extremely powerful. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 25: You Cannot Cage Me! It appears as if this head dark spawn ‘thing’ managed to put a spell on us and capture us.

Low and behold though, we have a rescuer. I feel like I’m on the verge of everything making sense.

All of these roads are starting to converge to a single answer We just need to figure out what is going on here. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 26: Breaking Out of Here We continue to bust out of our prison, but many things continue to concern me. These experiments that are going on, the fascination with Gray Wardens, and flash backs to what the hell that creature even was still continue to confuse me. I have a feeling things are going to get very complicated soon.

Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 27: Fully Rearmed Looks like I have everything set and ready to go now. While I might be able to escape now Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 28: Avenging the Fellow Warden We encounter the dark spawn who crippled that other warden. It’s time to learn the retribution of the commander. The fight is actually fairly challenging. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 29: Try and Run Away!


We Will Track you Down This ‘architect’ sends some dragons at us. Before we can pursue him though, he causes a cave in and runs away. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 30: Finishing in the Wending Wood There are a few minor things left to wrap up here. Basically just finish off some quests so that we can finish up this area. Just some simple back tracking. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 31: A Return to the Depths The men have finished clearing out everything in Vigil’s Hold’s lower levels, and thus, we return to do what we do best.

We must ensure our basement is well secured. Another ambush like the one from before is all we need during a great war, and with the tactics of these dark spawn, you can be sure they will try. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 32: The Wraith of the Deeps It looks like there is a malicious spirit still lurking about within these tunnels. Unfortunately, I somehow manage to let it free. How do I always do this?!

I think I’m doing the right thing, then bam. Fumble Fingers Toegoff manages to mess it all up.sigh. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 33: The Lower Levels Sealed After cleaving our way through more dark spawn, we have managed to secure the lower levels and make safe the keep. While this is still only a temporary solution, it should buy us some time we need to better secure our hold. A strong base of operations will no doubt be needed against this threat. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 34: The Honorable Judge It seems as if we have the final judgment in all of cases of the land.

Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 35: A Return to Amaranthine We make our way back to the lovely city of Amaranthine to finish up with a few quests. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 36: Howe’s Sister We finally we meet with Howe’s sister, and it appears as if he has a lot of soul searching to do. She spoke to him about how evil his father really was, and it seemed to really sink in. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 37: The Trap It appears as if freedom might be a bit harder for Anders to achieve. Is it truly right to let him try to escape the grasps of Templar?

Well, he has proven a loyal companion so far. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 38: Preparing to Venture Forth We finish up with a few more quests and prepare to head out yet again. We still have a great deal of things to figure out. It’s time to slay some more dark spawn. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 39: To Knotwood Hills This is where that giant chasm was supposed to be, so looks like we need to investigate it further.

Surely there are bound to be more than a couple dark spawn abound, so let’s show them what it means to meet the cleaver. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 40: To the Depts of Kal’Hirol Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 41: Ghosts of the Past We witness the final moments of some of the brave dwarves that defended Kal’Hirol.

Rest in peace brave warriors. Let your spirits rest we shall avenge you. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 42: Dark Spawn Attack Confusion The dark spawn are attacking each other? We see invading dark spawn trying to attack other dark spawn here. What is going on here? Are there now two factions of dark spawn?!

This is very concerning. Regardless, I don’t trust them at all. Only good dark spawn is one with an axe embedded in its skull! Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 43: Runes Puzzle We come across an interesting rune puzzle.

It’s very very simple once you know the mechanics. Basically you just need to swap the runes to correctly match what is on the wall. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 44: “The Lost” Now Found Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 45: A Civil War? There seems to be two factions of dark spawn right now.

The side following ‘The Mother’, and the side following ‘The Architect’. I’m really not sure what this all means or what it all adds up to, but something is very concerning at this point. We’ll have to see how this all plays out. I’m hoping I don’t have to choose a side in this battle of manipulation. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 46: Try to Betray Me?! A few nobles and their hired assassins will betray and oppose you. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 47: Clearing the Quest Log Before we make our departure for the Black Marsh, let’s quickly clear up some of the old quests we had stocked up.

Nothing big or important really, just some side stuff to clean up. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 48: Into the Black Marshes We venture forth to the Black Marshes. A place of evil and darkness.

Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 49: The Trap Sprung! We don’t avoid a trap this time folks. The Dark Spawn somehow manages to catch us pretty good with this one. We come across the body of our fallen comrade, only to be ambushed. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 50: Back to The Fade It appears as if ‘Mother’ has decided to try and trap us here.

By keeping us out of the physical world, perhaps she can spring whatever plan she has. Well demons have tried to trap us in the Fade before, now they are just another notch on the axe. Time to slaughter our way out of here.

Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 51: Into the Crypt We continue to try and break out of the Fade by following some woman into the crypt. “Come follow me to safety into a haunted crypt” This screams trap! Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 52: Brother Justice We come across a spirit in the Fade simply named ‘Justice.’ Take a guess what this spirit is obsessed with.

Regardless, our causes seem aligned. Wipe out that evil witch who has trapped all the people of these lands. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 53: Zombies? Are we allowed to have a zombie in our party?

I meanwhat if it’s a good zombie? I guess if you can get over the smell it’s ok right? Meh, it looks like we have our tank of the group though. Rise again fallen Grey Warden and serve me! (ok now that does just sound really really evil). Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 54: Baroness Fight Well we encounter the Baroness for a little 4 on 1 action. Of course she isn’t just some cute girl that we can try and take on no she’s a big freaking DEMON!

Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 55: Questing In Black Marsh We continue to finish up our quests here in the Black Marsh. Mainly just collecting dragon bones and clues. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 56: Spirit Form Dragon Fight Part 1 Apparently bringing back a Dragon from the dead in spirit form did not deserve gifts and praise sigh. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 57: Spirit Form Dragon Fight Part 2 Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 58: Spirit Form Dragon Fight Part 3 Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 59: Meeting The Brood Mother Preparing for The End.

Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 60: Returning To Town Again We are still wrapping up some quests here. This time trying to make this right for our friend Justice and his um.host’s wife? Just trying to clean some stuff up before the end. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 61: A Call to War We finish up the last of our side quests here and answer the call of war. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 62: The City Will Not Fall Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 63: You Shall Not Pass Fall you pathetic wretches.

I continue to defend the city by cleaving my way through scores and scores of dark spawn. This city will not fall. Stand with me my people, and defend your lands! Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 64: The Town Stands The hero of Amaranthine has departed. The city saved. Lives that might have been shattered, now preserved for another generation.

It is time to now end this with ‘The Mother!’ Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 65: Towards The Mother’s Pit We continue to descend the tower towards The Mother’s pit. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 66: The Architect Boss Fight The Architect has presented a case to us. A compromise. A win/win situation that could greatly benefit the world and I shove it back in his face. While I explain in my next video my choice, here is my rationale for those interested.

From this point forward I’ll assume you know the Architect’s deal, who he is exactly, and my decision to decline. Remember, I care more about the storyline, more about the plot than I do any in game advantages or disadvantages. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 67: Only The Mother Left Now We continue our march towards The Mother. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 68: The Mother Boss Fight Part 1 We take on The Mother now. The insane beast that has been manipulating her dark spawn.

Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 69: The Mother Boss Fight Part 2 We continue our epic struggle, again, against The Mother. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 70: The Ending Part 1 With a final sword lunged straight into the face of this beast, the Blight is truly over. The insane creature is dead, and with her death falls the leagues of dark spawn that followed her. The Father and Mother both have met the Maker this day. Dragon Age Origins Awakening walkthrough Part 71: The Ending Part 2 This is the end of the story, it was an epic adventure. For more to do in the game, check out our.

Big thanks to for the walkthrough videos. Truly a dedicated gamer!

Head up the stairs and a guard will confront you. Speak with him and then continue into the village. On your left will be a Villager House – enter. Loot the two chests and then approach the altar. Leave the house and you’ll be attacked.

Kill them and head up the hill. Kill the cultists outside the shop and then enter. Open the chest for two gifts and a great bow – it’s very likely better than what Leliana currently has equipped. Head into the rear room for two more chests and then check the corpse on the floor. Leave the shop and continue up the hill, where you’ll be attacked again.

Once everyone’s dead, enter the Chantry. Speak with the mage and then kill everyone that attacks you.

Loot Eirik for the Cultist Medallion. Head into the room on the left to find two chests, one of which contains a gift. Now head across into the room on the right, via the trick wall blocking the doorway. There’s a chest behind the bookcases and on the floor is Brother Genitivi. Speak with him and head to the mountainside when prompted.

Ruined Temple. Head up to the door for a cutscene. Once inside, head forwards and down the first corridor on the left. This temple is full of cultists, so make sure to clear them out as you go. You’ll find a dead adventurer on the floor – loot him for a sealed letter.

Enter the small room here and loot the Bookshelf for a Gift. Head back to the main hall. Head across the hall to the other corridor and proceed to the room at the end.

Check the scroll pile for a new quest and the ancient texts to update another. Head back to the main hall and go up the stairs. Kill the cultists that are waiting for you. Enter the door on the left. Head down the corridor, killing the cultists as you go, and enter the first room on your right. In the corner are some ancient texts to loot. Continue down the corridor and enter the room on your left.

Kill all of the cultists and check the dusty scrolls in the corner for a Gift. Enter the small room off this one for a chest containing the South-East Chamber Key. Head back to the main hall. Head into the corridor opposite to find some decent armour on a dead Knight. In the main hall, go back down the stairs and kill the cultists. Head into the south-east corridor and open the previously-locked door. Check the chest inside for the Main Hall Key.

Go back to the main hall and proceed up the stairs and through the door at the top. Kill all of the enemies inside and light the brazier at the top.

Proceed through the door behind it. Wipe out the cultists in here and continue on. Kill all of the enemies in the next room and head through either corridor to enter the Wyrming Lair.

Fight your way through the caverns and you’ll come to a cave that forks off in different directions. Take the right-most fork first and you’ll reach an area containing drakes. Kill them and make sure to loot them for their scales. Check the pile of dragon filth for a Gift. Backtrack and take the other fork. This path will soon fork as well.

Take the fork leading directly forwards first. Clear out all of the enemies (the overseer drops a nice sword if you decide to play as an arcane warrior at any point in the future) and continue on to a room filled with eggs. Clear out the room and make sure to loot the drakes for their scales.

Now head back to the previous fork and follow that off to the side. Along the way there’ll be more drakes to kill and loot for their scales. At the end of the fork you’ll reach a large room. Playthrough Two Do not summon the dragon. Simply proceed to the Gauntlet. The Gauntlet Proceed forwards and speak to the Guardian. Tell the truth when speaking to him.

There are a few lootable objects and a codex in the room. Head into the next room and there are eight spirits. Speak to each of them and answer their questions. Answer them correctly if you wish, but I’d advise deliberately getting them wrong to gain more XP from the enemies that spawn. Once all eight are placated, the door will open. Head forwards and you will meet someone from your Origin story. They will give you a decent amulet.

Continue onwards to fight shadow versions of yourselves. Your first priority should be Wynne or Morrigan (depending on playthrough), to stop them healing. Once you’ve defeated them, continue on.

This next room is a puzzle. You need to position your party on specific squares in order to create a bridge to the other side.

Instruct your team to hold positions and follow these instructions. Place one party member on plate 3, another on plate 6 and the third on plate B. The fourth party member can now cross to the second of the bridge’s platforms. Move your party member from plate 3 to plate D. Move your party member from plate B to plate 1. The fourth party member can now move to the third bridge section. Move your party member from plate 6 to plate E.

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Move your party member from plate D to plate 2. The fourth party member should now be able to cross to the other side With this done, set your team back to free movement and they can all cross the bridge. Continue into the next room and interact with the altar.

This will remove your clothing and allow you to walk through the fire. After the cutscene, head towards the stairs for another. Playthrough Three Take a pinch of the ashes and leave the urn alone. Loot the Unfortunate Adventurer at the bottom of the stairs for a Gift and there are chests on either side to loot. Leave the Gauntlet. Mountain Top Head back towards the buildings, but do not take the left path leading upwards.

Instead, take the right path leadings downwards for a shortcut back to the temple. Ruined Temple Head back to Genitivi – it’s up to you what you decide to tell him – then leave. World Map At the bottom of the map is Flemeth’s Hut. Head there next. Note: You must not have Morrigan in your party when you travel to Flemeth's Hut or there will be nothing there for you to do. Flemeth’s Hut Approach Flemeth and speak with her.

Choose to fight her and she’ll transform. Luckily, you now know how to deal with this situation. Once Flemeth is defeated, loot her for a key and head into the hut. Open the chest and take the Grimoire for Morrigan. Use the World Map to return to the Party Camp.

Party Camp Firstly, go through each party member and equip them with the best items you have, then level them up if needed. Head to Sandal as well, by now you have some Master and Grandmaster runes for your weapons. Now it’s time to hand out some gifts (except in Playthrough Three - scroll down for more info).

Alistair – Stone Warrior Statuette Zevran – Antivan Leather Boots (which will trigger a cutscene) and Small Silver Bar Morrigan – Locket, Golden Demon Pendant and Flemeth’s Grimoire (which will trigger a cutscene) Finally, sell off anything you don’t need. Playthrough Four After giving the gifts to Zevran, speak to him and he'll ask if he can ask you a question. Tell him to go ahead. When he asks you what your plans are once you're finished, reply with 'after I ravish you in celebration?' World Map Before we continue, head back to Denerim. Denerim Head to the Chantry and hand in any quests at the Chanter’s Board.

Nearby is Sister Justine. Speak to her about the scrolls you found – she’ll give you a large amount of gold for them. Next go to the Mages’ Collective Liaison and hand in any quests you have for him.

Now go to Wade’s Emporium. Speak to Herren and tell him you have more drake scales. Give them to Wade and then head over to the Gnawed Noble Tavern. Pick up your reward from Master Ignacio and leave. Go back to Wade’s Emporium and speak to Herren to receive your new armour.

Speak with Herren again and tell him about the dragon scales. Choose whichever armour suits your party’s needs, though you can’t go wrong with the dragonbone plate armour, especially on your first playthrough. If it is your first playthrough, equip the plate armour immediately.

You won’t get anything better for a long while. You can now leave Denerim and head to Redcliffe Castle. Redcliffe Castle Enter the castle and speak with Bann Teagan about the Urn. This will unlock.