English Conversation Topics Pdf

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Amy: What have you been pulled over 1 for? Curtis: I’ve been pulled over for tailgating 2 an ambulance. Amy: Oh, my God. I didn’t think that was the story he was going to pick. Curtis: No, this is a very, very bad thing to do. I don’t recommend you doing this. What’s tailgating?


Curtis: Tailgating is following somebody too close. So usually you have to leave a car length in between the car in front of you and your car. And I at that point Amy: Had a very, very bad habit of driving way too close. Curtis: Right. And in between–or I was in between the emergency ambulance vehicle in front of me and a police car behind me. But I didn’t know it was a police car because it didn’t have the lights. Amy: Oh, it was a ghost car 3.

Curtis: It was a ghost car. Amy: Sneaky 4. Curtis: Or an unmarked car.

An unmarked car. Curtis: And right away, he turned on his lights that were on his dashboard and the front of his car and his siren. And he was mad. Curtis: But I got lucky 5 on that one too. Even though he was mad, he didn’t give me a ticket. Sometimes they let you off.


They–like they let you off the hook 6 or I don’t know. They give you, what is it? Curtis: A warning 7 Amy: Yeah, they give you a warning. Don’t do it again. It’s a written warning. And it goes on record that you’ve been warned about this. But they don’t actually give you a fine.

Curtis: Yeah. He kept track of it for sure. Phrase Explanations:. Pulled over: Stopped by the police. Tailgating: Driving very closely to the vehicle in front of you.

Ghost car: A police car with no lights or markings. Also known as an unmarked car. Sneaky: Doing something in a secret, unfair or not obvious way. I got lucky: To have good luck unexpectedly. Let you off the hook: When you get caught doing something wrong or illegal and you don’t get punished for it.

‘Let you off’ is the short way of expressing this. Warning: An official notice that you have been warned not to do something again The full of lesson of ‘Driving’ is available when you join as a Free Member!

Listen to Smith’s Experience Here My name is Smith and I am from Haiti. I am really happy to have signed up for Real English Conversations because it has really helped me improve my listening and speaking skills. And thanks to the teacher, Amy Whitney, who also acts as a researcher on how to learn a foreign language more efficiently.

So, thanks to her good advice and methodology about how to deeply work out my listening and how to stick with my speaking practice, even without having someone to talk to, I have been able to gradually improve my English in many ways. About the Teachers on Real English Conversations Curtis and I (Amy) are from Canada in North America. We have a passion for traveling and teaching real English to help students improve their communication skills. Learning a language as an adult is challenging. I have first hand experience learning a second language to fluency. After taking vacations in several countries in Central and South America, we decided to follow our dreams and move to another country. Now, we live in Mexico.

Even after moving to this country, I realized that living here and breathing in the Mexican air was not helping my Spanish skills. After all, I work from home teaching online and I don’t spend the entire day speaking to people. The truth is that improving a language takes practice, consistency and a desire to improve.

In our, I teach students effective ways to practice English to improve speaking and listening skills using the techniques and unique methods I have discovered or created. The same methods that helped me reach fluency and maintain my current conversation abilities my new language, even though, I don’t have much time to practice. To get started with one of our lessons now, signup here to receive an interesting conversation lesson here. Let us show you how you can use naturally spoken English conversations to:. Learn the vocabulary native speakers actually use.

Understand more of what you hear. Practice speaking to use the new words you learned. Learn Using Real Conversations Have you ever noticed that there are many ESL lessons for beginner students but there is hardly anything available for intermediate and advanced students? The truth is that most people that try to learn conversational English don’t make it to this level, most websites are focused on beginners. Everything on this website was created for intermediate and advanced students that need to get exposed to ‘normal’ everyday Conversations.

Our lessons are different because we have also learned another language as an adult and know better tools and techniques that we can show you. Learn English faster, with the resources we have created to study and learn from conversation lessons. If your goal is to be able to have enjoyable English Conversations, you should be studying conversational English. Why would you waste time studying a textbook with more rules or learn words by studying lists of words that no one uses in real life?

Grammar rules are for beginners. Intermediate and advanced students need to listen to lots of topics and learn to speak about those topics without worrying about the ‘rules’. At REC, we know exactly what you need to learn fast. Naturally Spoken Dialogues When you study a naturally spoken conversation, you will start to see it is very different than what you read. Real conversations are full of pauses to think and small words or sounds to keep the ‘fluency’ of the conversation.

Listening to scripted audio will not teach you how people Most courses don’t give enough emphasis to or give you the opportunity to do speaking fluency exercises. These are the 2 skills that are the most difficult for people to learn when they need to interact with real people in real life. A Method Taught From Personal Experience Amy, who now knows Spanish, realized during her first conversation attempt that she did not know enough of the everyday vocabulary that people use when they chat with each other. She started to study conversational transcripts and MP3 audio lessons. This taught her the right vocabulary, and speaking patterns that helped her to understand much more from every conversation she heard It is natural that you want to study the things that are easy. Reading, writing and passive listening are EASY.

If you want to be fluent in English, you need to put the same amount of effort into speaking and listening comprehension. Our website gives you techniques and activities you can use to improve your speaking skills and finally have a better experience when you communicate.

English Speaking Exercises We have created this website for people just people like you. Someone who wants to speak easily, understand what they hear and learn new vocabulary in a natural way. It is important that you start using the words and grammar rules that you know And you have to practice speaking with them A LOT. The harder it is for you to speak, the more you need to practice. Each conversation lesson has exercises to help you practice what you have heard in the English conversation. You can listen to conversational English questions that you have to answer by speaking. This resource in our premium section is the most important part that will help you speak with more fluency.

Business English Conversation Topics

The harder it is for you to speak, the more you need to practice. Our speaking course has dozens of techniques and exercises to help you practice speaking even if you do not have a speaking practice partner. Learn the techniques and exercises you can do to become a fluent, confident speaker fast.

Improve your English Listening Amy knows from personal experience how it can be difficult to develop your in a new language in the beginning. This is something she has had to work at very hard to improve. She found that listening to slower audio while reading a transcription helped her to improve her listening skills very quickly. This is why we have created a full transcript of each one of our American English Conversations. The truth is that ‘hearing’ the words is one skill but being able to understand everything you hear is another thing.

English Conversation Topics Pdf

English Conversation Topics For Adults

It takes practice and patience. The truth is that ‘good listening’ takes time and practice. Not everyone develops great listening skills automatically.

We’ve got all the resources you need including MP3 downloads and PDF English transcriptions to read while listening. If you are ready to start improving your English Conversations, especially your listening skills. Thanks to Real Engish Conversations, I learned a lot of new things, your website is great. I like it so much, they have so much helpful information for people who want to learn English and with their methods of teaching they make so easy to understand all the information that they provide. Thanks to their everyday conversations, I feel more confident when I need to talk, I have a better flow while speaking and that is so important because my profession demands a good level of English, I’m a professional pilot, thanks so much to Amy and Curtis for taking your time to help people to learn, you are awesome people. Keep up the good work and thanks for everything!

Alfredo Pilot in Argentina. Hello, my name is Manel. I’m from Mallorca, Spain.

English Conversation Tips Pdf

I’m just writing to thank you for your amazing podcast. I’m studying to pass the TOEFL exam and it’s really helpful to hear you talking about different topics which are very enjoyable. I love the language, that is one of the main reasons why I decided to become a primary school teacher. I’m thinking about moving to USA in order to improve my level and discover a new culture, new places and also live new experiences. Congratulations and thank you very much for everything you’ve done for all of your listeners to understand more from each conversation!