Super Game 300 Cd

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Hi I have recently purchase my kids each a DVD player for the car that came with a mini game CD. The CD is cheap and flimsy. My daughter has broken hers and I am worried that the second CD will break and I want to make a copy of my sons before that snaps too. I contacted the DVD company and they tell me that they don't have anymore CDs to give out but the Game function is useless without the CD. I have also offered to buy another one but they tell me I can't. I have tried to make a copy but the programs I am using wont work. Some Nintendo disks are written with a proprietary format that PCs can't copy.

With the specific title we might be able to find some solution to allow you to make a backup disk. When you say it plays in a DVD player, do you mean like one you would use with your TV?

Super Game 300 Cd

It will play in the kids portable dvd players but NOT on my home dvd with the tv.the dvd player must have some sort of emulator built in? When I put the cd in my computer it does not play either(for some reason my computer tried to open it in a music player?). When I look at the files they are like this on the CD: NESDISC V1 Folders- CDI EXT MPEGAV NEWROM SEGMENT VCD CDI folder contains Rich Text, DAT, FNT and APP files EXT folder has VCD files MPEGAV is empty?

Super Game 300 Cd Cover


Kuch khas hai whatsapp video song 30 second. NEWROM has media.bin files SEGMENT has DAT files VCD has more VCD files I have tried running ISO buster but no other files can be found? Hope this helps this is beyond me hehe.