Rssb Petaluma

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Petaluma CA program April 14th, 2018 Q: Babaji, I’m unable to see your face when I sit in Dyan. A: All you have to do is develop your focus and it can only be done through Bhajan & Simran. It’s like looking for your reflection in water, as long as water is moving, you won’t be able to see reflection.

Once water is still you will see reflection. Now if you pay attention to the fact that reflection was always there, matter was to bring water to stand still. Do bhajan simran focus will come along. Q2: Baba ji how can I choose right path? A: Sister, you have intellect and you should use that to come to some conclusion. Choose something which agrees with you. Then follow the path.

Q3: Babaji thanks for letting me speak to you, it’s like dream come true. I just moved to US from India and I grew up watching you pictures in our house as my mom and maternal grandmother are your followers, I never imagined that one day I’ll be talking to you. I recently discovered Jesus (apparently she converted to christian) in my life and I enjoy his company for many hours in a day. I wanted to thank you for helping me finding my way. A: Beta all what matter is the destination and different names doesn’t matter. Q3a: She continues: I want to recite few lines from a song which I always wanted to do for you.

A: Babaji kept on telling her don’t do that, if you really want then someday recite a shabad. But the girl won’t stop and she recite few line from some Bollywood song (I don’t know the exact lines but it meant why god made you so handsome) At the end of her line BABA ji said so that “ki sab mujhe dekhte rahe” Q4: Babaji we always heard that Santmat is path of positivity (Chardi kalaa da marg) but more I practice I realize it is not so, it leads to depression and negativity. Why is it so and how to deal with it? A: Beta if we want salvation then we will have to account for our karmas. And what you may mention as negativity is karma, which we have to account for. We have to decide what we want and then pay for that.

Best thing is to continue bhajan and simran which will provide strength to face that karmic account. Q4a: Babaji bless whole sangat that we may enjoy the divine plan (Bhana mettha laage). Bhana is tough. A: Beta karm to bhugatne paine aa no matter, how we feel about it. We do it happily or feel miserable. Best is to smile and enjoy, so the almighty also provides his support. Q5: Girl asked, Babaji what could be the reason for a guy to marry?

A: To destroy his “freedom” or so called identity. 5a: And what about reasons for girls?

A: to have a pet and make her husband’s life as miserable as they can and to destroy his notion of identity and ego and make him humble. 5b: How do I choose husband? A: it all go by breed, after all you are getting a pet. Then he mentions few different breeds of dogs and asks her to choose any one to her liking. Then he says that I’m happily married and I come from breed (he mentioned name of some breed) this is the breed where they cut your tail so that you couldn’t wag your tail but they are good at throw and fetch game. Girl was at lost and couldn’t say any word for almost a minute and was just standing and then was about to leave with sadness. Then Babaji asked her are you married or single?

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To which she replied I’m single and I asked you this question so that I could get some help. Baba ji said I told you choose from the different breeds or Is it that you don’t like dogs? Are you into cats?

Everyone was laughing at that, he meant are you lesbian? Then he adds that after all its California anything can happen here. (California is very liberal state for LGBT, specifically the San Francisco it is known for it’s liberalism towards Homosexuals and lesbians) Q6: Baba ji is it must that I meditate for 2.30 hours? I can’t do more than 2 hours. A: 2.30 hours is minimum more you do is better.

And if you can’t do extra 30 minutes then donate 1$/minute to sewa, 30$ for every-day. I’m sure you will never go less than 2 hours a day. Q7: Babaji is it possible that my life would be easy if I got initiated? A: We all have to face our karmic debt and if you get initiated and practice then you gets the strength to face that accounting. 7a: can I chant Radhasoami? A: No, we should not make our mind habitual of something which is not helpful. You must wait till initiation and then meditate on words given to you.

7b: How would I know that I’m ready to get initiated? A: sometime we have to make up mind and take a step.

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There were few questions about general stuff like Thank you for such and such thing. To all of which BABAji replied that we should thank the lord by our actions not words.

Words mean nothing. The time we spend in uttering words is worthless better sit and meditate that will be good enough as thanks.

Baba Ji’s Petaluma Visit 24th July 2017 BabaJi was scheduled to arrive at 5 pm. Sangat was in place by 4 pm and shbad recitation had started at 4 pm. However, Babaji arrived at the stage at 4.33 pm. He showered His Drishti on the whole Sangat for 5 minutes and then He said, “any question”.

Q&A session continued for one hour and 15 minutes, Most of the questions except a few were irrelevant to Santmat, Few are as under:- Lady: BabaJi, earlier Bhajan was going smoothly but lately it is not doing well. I feel pain in the chest when l sit in Bhajan. There can never be pain in Bhajan Simran. Have you ever heard that Bhajan Simran creates pains? It is some kind of fear that is bothering you. Just keep on doing Bhajan Simran and tell that fear ‘do whatever you want to do, I am not afraid of you’.

Englishman: BabaJi, I am a seeker. I have read so many books about Christ and Radha Soami. There is very good information at our website.

BabaJi interrupted in between saying that we’ll bring a Video on Hospital and then sees on the website. The questioner continued saying whom he should believe? We all are seekers. Had we known everything, we would have not been sitting here. You call Him father, mother or whatever you like but the reality is the same. You need a Master to move on spiritualism. Indian Lady: BabaJi, in last few months we have lost 4-5 people in the family and we are shattered.

Beta this is the part of life. Is there anybody here who has not seen death. Can we stop everything due to this?

We must keep on doing Bhajan Simran. Rest He will take care. Englishman: Baba Ji, thank you for visiting California on a short notice. Everybody can not go to east cost.

Baba Ji, I follow you whatever you say but a voice comes from inside ‘why I am doing this?’ I don’t know what to do. BabaJi: Beta forget everything and keep on doing Bhajan Simran. Q Even my wife tells me to ignore such feeling but I am not able to. BabaJi: beta you should have faith and do Bhajan, that’s it. There is no other way.

Am: but I always think why I am doing this? I am confused. BabaJi: that means you not need me and I should leave.

A Guru is required when you need him but a Guru is not required when you do not need him. (Pointing towards his head like holding a gun) and said ‘Booooom’. American: No no BabaJi, we need you but how I am not able to get away with that feeling of why. BabaJi: BabaJi picked up the watch from the table, raised his hand and dropped the watch, leave it like this.

( I guess, last time also this gentleman asked similar question). Indian Lady: BabaJi, I am not keeping a good health. Earlier there was a problem with backbone and kidney problem. I go for dialysis every alternate day. BabaJi mehar karo. Aap Sab kuchh kar sakte ho.

BabaJi: Beta Bhajan Simran karo aur Baki us par chhod do. Wo Sab theek karega. Indian Man: BabaJi I have a problem with my backbone and now doctors have suggested a surgery. BabaJi: No no, do not go for surgery. One you will feel relief but you will find the same problem after two years. You should do some exercise to keep the back flexible.


Find some physiotherapist who can do this. Indian Boy: BabaJi I am going to get married in December. I invite you to attend my marriage. BabaJi: Main tumhari Barbadi main Shamil nahin ho sakta. English Lady: BabaJi, I am not able sit in Bhajan. Is it necessary to sit a particular posture?

Baba Ji: No, beta you can sit in Chair, you can lie down on bed. You can adopt any posture but you should be able to do Bhajan. In the end when every one in two Q&A enclosures has asked the questions, BabaJi thanked the whole Sangat for coming on the short notice, said Radha Soami and left.