Prince Of Persia The Sands Of Time

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This article is about the 2010 Walt Disney film adaptation. You may be looking for the. Contents Official Description ' Set in the mystical lands of Persia, PRINCE OF PERSIA: THE SANDS OF TIME is an epic action-adventure about a rogue prince (JAKE GYLLENHAAL) and a mysterious princess (GEMMA ARTERTON) who race against dark forces to safeguard an ancient dagger capable of releasing the Sands of Time—a gift from the gods that can reverse time and allow its possessor to rule the world.' —Official Description Plot Story is a street rat turned prince in sixth century Persia who must join forces with , one of the guardians of the, to prevent his uncle from possessing the powers of the. The Sands of Time are a 'gift' from the Gods that give its wielder the power to reverse time and rule the world.

Prince Of Persia The Sands Of Time Game

Synopsis Dastan, a street urchin, rescues another orphan in front of the King of Persia. His 'royal spirit' leads to his royal adoption. Fifteen years later, he finds the that can rewind time or destroy the world. Princess Tamina, ruler of Alamut is an appointed Guardian., brother to the King, wants the Dagger and the throne, to become the most powerful ruler ever. Dastan starts as a street urchin in Nasaf. After showing courage in the market place baffel, King Sharaman adopts him as his third son, after eldest heir and second.

Fifteen years later, the brothers lead the Persian army against the sacred city of. Against Sharaman's wishes, while he is praying, his brother and adviser Nizam, has wrongly convinced the three that Alumet is making and selling weapons to Persia's enemies. As Garsiv attaks the main gate, Dastan leads a squad with his best childhood friend and opens the eastern gate 'to save lives'. Princess Tamina sends the sacred Dagger away, but the rider heads straight for Dastan. He finds the wrapped Dagger on the ground after killing his attacker. The Dagger sends whoever presses the top of the handle back in time.

The holder sees events rewind. Only he knows what happened. The power ends when the sand in the handle runs out. Victorious Tus wants to marry Tamina as soon as he discovers her beauty, admiring her spirit as she attempts to stab him. He begs Dastan to present his wish for another wife to their father, and gives him a captured grand cloak for their father as a convincing present.

Prince of persia the sands of time game

Dastan is reluctant, Tus already has wives, indeed  agrees, and offers Tamina to Dastan. The cloak is poisoned, burns Sharaman to death. Bystanders accuse Dastan, who flees with Tamina while Bis and many of Dastan's men are killed covering their escape Together, flirting and fighting, exchanging cutting banter, they e.

Contents Official Description ' The Sands of Time are a terrible, primordial substance that changes and corrupts every living thing it touches. Only through the Dagger of Time can the awesome might of the Sands be harnessed.The Dagger confers extraordinary powers on its possessor, enabling him (or her) to seamlessly bend the fabric of Time itself.' —Instructional Manual Abilities Main article: On their own, the Sands of Time are able to transform any living thing in their path when released. No living thing is immune to the destructive powers of the Sands of Time.

Contact with the sand will transform any human or beast into a Sand Creature, a 'hideous mockery of its original form'. Though there have been examples of humans resisting the Sands for a time, unless they are in possession the, which protect their wielders from the Sands magic, all things eventually succumb to the influence of the Sands' power.

Prior to her death and in an effort to defend herself on the, Kaileena used her abilities to create Sand Creatures with a semblance of sentience; often with the bodies of humans she killed for trespassing or the sake of experimentation. Is one example of a sentient Sand Creature that thinks and acts of her own accord. Confined within the, an artifact of Time, the weapon's wielder can manipulate time in short intervals.

As the only weapon that can combat Sand Creatures, Dagger of Time can also recapture Sand in all of its manifestations ( and Sand Creature alike). The Dagger of Time is also the only weapon that release or trap the Sands of Time inside the Hourglass of Time.

History Creation It is said that the Sands of Time were created when Kaileena (a byproduct of the creation of time itself) was killed by the guardian of the timeline,. Without her death, the Sands of Time would not exist. Following her death, by some unknown means, the Sands of Time were trapped inside the Hourglass of Time on the Island of Time.

Prince of persia the warrior within

Prince Of Persia The Sands Of Time

They were later taken from the Island by the, the father of, to where they resided behind the walls of his palace outside his treasure vault. The Sands of Time A young takes part in 's siege against the Maharajah, unaware they've been manipulated by the Maharajah's for his own gain. He and his father retrieve the Dagger of Time and the Sands of Time and capture the Maharajah's daughter, Farah. While they were visiting, the Prince is tricked into releasing the Sands of Time.

His actions turn the entire court of Azad into Sand Creatures. Only Farah, the Vizier, and himself are protected by the Artifacts of Time they possessed. Aided by Farah, the Prince succeeded in triggering the ' and returning the Sands of Time to the Hourglass. Warrior Within The Prince, pursued by the Dahaka for the past seven years because he used the Sands of Time, resolves to travel to the Island of Time to destroy the Sands of Time and free himself from the Dahaka's wrath.

While on the Island of Time, the Prince discovered that Kaileena is the source of the Sands and that he destined to kill her, albeit unwittingly. Determined to fix his mistakes, he used the to change events.

Eventually, he kills the Dahaka and spares Kaileena of her predetermined death at his hand. The Two Thrones.