Kurikulum 2013 Sma

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  1. Kurikulum 2013 Sma Revisi 2017
  2. Kurikulum 2013 Sma
Kurikulum 2013 Sma

Kurikulum 2013 Sma Revisi 2017

This study was entitled Implementation of Curriculum 2013 in SMA 12 Pekanbaru.This research was motivated by determination of SMAN 12 as one of the schools establishedby the Department of Education Pekanbaru from eight high schools in the city of Pekanbaru forthe academic year 2013/2014. With that establishment, SMA 12 has imposed a comprehensiveCurriculum 2013. Against this background, this study was directed to answer questions on theimplementation of a scientific approach to learning which includes observe, ask, gatherinformation, associates, communicate, as well as teachers’ understanding of the curriculum,2013. The source of data was the study of learning four teachers, who was videotaped andquestionnaires. Video learning consists of learning Indonesian, PPKn, Education History, andMathematics.


Questionnaires were returned and analyzed 28 copies. The theory is used as areference study is Learning Steps with Studying and Meaning that the content of AttachmentIV Permendikbud Number 81A Year 2013 on the Implementation of the Curriculum,General Guidelines for Learning. The research method was an analysis of the behavior ofteachers and students in the study and analysis of questionnaires. The results of this studyshowed that of 28 respondents, 25 respondents (89.3%) had attended the training curriculum in2013 and 3 respondents (10.7%) who have not been trained. However, of the 28 respondents,who deeply understand the new 2013 curriculum of the respondents and respondents whounderstand totaled 18 (67.95%) Thus, there are still teachers (32.05%) which was required theattention of the head of the school in terms of understanding the Curriculum 2013. The presenceof teachers who do not understand the general guidelines of learning results in the failure tounderstand all aspects of the curriculum, such as the determination of Graduation Standardsand learning process. Thus, the implementation of Curriculum 2013 in SMA 12 Pekanbaru hasnot been implemented properly and effectively.

Kurikulum 2013 Sma

Keywords: implementation, Curriculum 2013, the scientific learning.
