Crystal Reports Xi Release 2

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  1. Crystal Reports Xi Release 2 Runtime Download
  2. Crystal Reports Xi Release 2 Download
  3. Crystal Reports Xi Release 2 For Sage

I will share my experience with Windows 2012 Server, maybe it helps you. We faced two scenarios using Windows 2012 64 bit Server and Crystal Reports 10.2.0. In the first one, everything is working fine until now. In a second one, I was working fine too, except when someone would try to save the report as an Excel file. It would crash the IIS aspnet process. Something on KERNEL32.dll, but i don't have the full message in english to post. We tryed to format the server and reinstall Windows 2012 Server, but it was useless.

Crystal reports xi download free

Crystal Reports Xi Release 2 Runtime Download


Crystal Reports Xi Release 2 Download


Crystal Reports Xi Release 2 For Sage

We researched about it and all the references and possible solutions ended up at an. We installed the newer version and everything is working fine. Please note the the version numbers are a bit confusing. I always check the version number in windows 'programs and resources'.