100 Most Useful English Expressions

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Tamiltunes. Retrieved 2012-07-13. Retrieved 2012-07-13.

I took a class in Business Communications once where they counted the 3 syllable words in a sample of our writing. It tells them the grade level you are speaking to-which for me was 19th because that's how far I went in school. But it unnerves people who may not be as educated. (One secretary thought I used big words so that she wouldn't understand what she was typing.head hits desk.) People out in the world have serious problems with 3 or more syllables-at least in the U.S.

  1. 1000 Most Common English Phrases

That's why they dumbed everything down. People don't tell you they can't understand, they just say they are 'bored' or they wander away.a problem if you need them to read something or to listen.


Neat, but if I may offer a suggestion: The most common nouns, verbs, and adjectives without pronouns or prepositions would be a great quiz. I have no doubt the words listed are the most common, but this kind of became a 'how many pronouns and prepositions can I rattle off?'

1000 Most Common English Phrases

Game after a bit. I'd love to know what words are the most common without those two word types (plus I think it would tell us a lot about how people think!!! 'Sex' and 'beer' would be on there for sure.) Nonetheless, I did enjoy this. It would sure be nice to if the words guessed were displayed alphabetically so that we could quickly find the ones already guessed if we want to see which ones we have already guessed (for sure). I realize that the Quiz-maker here wanted to list the words in order of most commonly used words in the English language.

But, couldn't these cardinal numberings be listed in parentheses after all the words? And that way the answers could all be filled into an alphabetical chart.

Please consider this evolution! Thanks very much! I had a go, it doesn't make much sense. Be good to the people of time.

And in that, have a good day. Do it not for me, but as I see you on with this. At his will, by he, they come from, say, she or we.

An even one would get my out there. , their 'so?' Go up if just about him. When can who like which make? Take into your year some ' no'. Could them, other than two.

Now then, look. Its only use: 'think back over'. Also, how our work want, well, first, any new way after us. Because these give most.